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The Real Epidemic
By Don Bennett, DAS

The swine flu is not problematic for people in good health. Any kind of influenza virus or "bad" bacteria is only a potential problem for those with diminished immune systems, but unfortunately that's most people. And let's keep things in perspective; the last time this flu epidemic hit – in the '70's – more people died from the flu shot than from the flu itself. There are good reasons for all the scary talk about so-called epidemics, but a serious public health risk is not one of them.

An epidemic can be defined as "something that affects many people at the same time, and spreads from person to person in a locality where the disease is not permanently prevalent." In the days before technology, we lived in a natural environment, and we lived in harmony with nature. And as long as we didn't have a serious accident, got enough to eat, and didn't get eaten, things were good. And in our original locality disease was rare because the things that cause disease as we experience it today were nonexistent. Oh sure, things like the flu and the plague came around every so often, but they didn't adversely affect those who were healthy... and way back then, that was most people.

Fast forward to today. With the advent of technology we are now capable of eating things we never could have consumed in nature. And if we couldn't have eaten something in our natural environment, we evidently weren't meant to eat it. But now we have the ability to take an inedible substance like wheat and, with technology, turn it into something that can be eaten, like a bagel (although I don't know many people who would relish eating a plain bagel... something needs to be spread on it, like jam or jelly for it to be enjoyable).

So technology has allowed us to partake in things that decrease our health and vitality, which has given rise to the ill-health management industry (medical and pharmaceutical). It is known today that if you remove the cause of illness and disease the body can restore itself to a state of health (which it is always trying to maintain). Although this information is known, it is not common knowledge; and for very good reasons. A gigantic multi-trillion-dollar industry owes its existence and very survival to this information not being known (and they work diligently to discredit anyone who attempts to speak the truth about the cause and cure of human illnesses). Imagine if people themselves could heal from whatever serious ailment they had, and didn't instead resort to the common practices of symptomatic relief and disease management (neither of which addresses the underlying cause of the problem). While this prevention/healing paradigm would be most welcome by those who don't want to be devastated by serious illness, those who are part of the industries that manage disease and the industries that produce products that cause disease would be devastated by its practice.

So instead of raising red flags and making lots of noise about something that seriously affects very few people relatively speaking (the flu), why isn't lots of noise being made about the things that cause cancer, diabetes, stroke, asthma, arthritis, osteoporosis, etc? This is the real epidemic, seriously affecting and killing millions of men, women, and children a year. Millions! If this doesn't count as an epidemic, I don't know what does.

Learn what causes serious illness, and what allows your body to effectively deal with illness. Start by not believing things like "we don't know what causes cancer", "the cure for diabetes is probably ten years away", "breast cancer cannot be prevented", "the best prevention is early detection", and this favorite of the pharmaceutical industry as told by many doctors: "you're going to have to take these medications for the rest of your life".

Discover the truth about disease. Learn how to avoid a diagnosis of serious illness and how to improve your physical health (and therefore your emotional wellbeing). If you already know, share this life-saving information with others for their consideration and benefit so that this very real epidemic of unnecessary suffering and premature death can become a thing of the past.

Don Bennett is a Disease Avoidance Specialist and author of, "How to Have the BEST Odds of Avoiding Degenerative Disease". The classes Don teaches, both in person and via DVDs, can be viewed at health101.org/classes

For an explanation of the obesity epidemic, read Why Most Diets Don't Work

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