Barley grass vs. Wheat grass

Barley grass is not the same as wheat grass. Indeed a whole book is devoted to the differences between the two. A notable difference I'd like to mention is: if you consume an amount of wheat grass juice that will make you throw up, the same amount of barley grass juice will not. So obviously, they are not the same.

Many Japanese scientists have extensively researched different kinds of grasses. Based on these studies, and according to lead researcher Yasuo Hotta of La Jolla University of California, barley grass is superior compared to other grasses. This is thanks in part to its P4D1 content, which is not available in any other grass. Hotta's study has further shown that P4D1 can actually repair the DNA that has been damaged by radiation or cancerous cells.

Here are some more findings on the "barley grass vs. wheat grass" issue which point to a clear winner.

P4D1: suppresses: pancreatitis, inflammation of the oral cavity, dermatitis, and lacerations of the stomach and duodenum. Barley grass is even stronger than steroids in dealing with these conditions.

Vitamins: Both grasses are rich in various vitamins and minerals (depending on how they're grown), but barley grass edges out wheat grass as it has higher levels of some nutrients.

Sodium content: The organic sodium content of barley grass is superior to that of wheat grass. 100 grams of barley grass contains nearly 775 mg of organic sodium. This fact is very beneficial for people living in warm climates, and those eating a high water content diet. Organic sodium also acts as a check on the calcium levels in the bloodstream, and can even dissolve stored calcium in joints. It is very "calming" for the nerves, as well as very beneficial for arthritis patients. According to K.K Fowlkes who provides fresh grass juices to people, “People with arthritis will benefit more from barley grass due to its higher sodium content”. Also, regular intake of barley grass juice can replenish the lost organic sodium of the stomach, and aid digestion by increasing the hydrochloric acid production in the gut.

This is why I recommend barley grass; not powdered barley grass, but powdered barley grass juice. And the one I recommend is Daily Green Boost, as it has been tested to be the best barley grass juice supplement on the market.



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